NEW! Fall Teaching Coaching Program
After launching a wonderfully successful summer planning support group, I’m looking to continue the good colleagueship with teacher coaching groups that will rotate all year long.
We’ll have different topics and themes to discuss, depending on the different time of year and lots of different ways to work with the content. The 12-week program includes . . .
- Weekly goals and inspirations via email
- Membership in a private Facebook group
- Weekly group coaching calls
- 2 one-hour individual mentoring sessions
- Unlimited email consultation
I envision this group being perfect for new teachers needing mentoring as well as experienced teachers looking to infuse their teaching greater inspiration and intention.
For a list of topics (ranging from classroom management to parent communication to self-care to report-writing) check out the information page.
If you’re ready to apply, here’s the link to the application. Group size is limited to 30, so I want to make participants are really able to make use of the program.
Ways to Support
Patreon — Join others and donate simply because you support the work that is going on here. I appreciate it.
Sponsorship — Do you have a Waldorf business? Get in touch and we can talk about sponsorship opportunities — on either the blog, podcast or on my email list.
This Week’s Content
This week I talk all about thinking, feeling and willing and how they appear in the classroom in the various activities we do. I also share some ideas for how teachers can plan ahead and incorporate various activities into their weekly schedule.
“The human organism, that most complex of all natural organisms, can be described as consisting of three systems, working side by side. To a certain extent each functions separately and independently of the others. One of these consists of the life of the nerves and senses. It may be named, after the part where it is more or less centered, the head organism. Second, comes what we need to recognize as another branch if we really want to understand the human organism, the rhythmic system. This includes the breathing and the circulation of the blood, everything that finds expression in rhythmic processes in the human organism. The third must be recognized as consisting of all those organs that have to do with the actual transformation of matter — the metabolic process. These three systems comprise everything that, duly coordinated, keeps the whole human complex in healthy working order.” — Rudolf Steiner
Oh, Meredith! I love all your podcasts, but this one resonated with me on such a deep level, I felt I had to write to thank you. I’m a homeschooling mom of 6. Only my 2 oldest are school-age. My daughter is a very feeling-oriented phlegmatic, while my son is an extremely willing-oriented choleric. In crafting my lesson plans, I’m aware of these tendencies in them, but I never thought of such a simple and effective way to meet their needs as I think of our main lesson blocks each week. Thank you for giving this upcoming school year so much potential with this concept! Blessings, Bethany