Waldorf Homeschooling Podcast
My Conversation with Jean Miller of Waldorf Inspired Learning
I had such a great time chatting with Jean and she referred to some pretty useful resources. Here are links to some of the things we talked about.
Alan Whitehead’s Spiritual Syllabus — Most of these resources are out of print, but there are a few still available on Waldorf Books.
Stephen Sagarin’s blog — What is Education
Jean’s Online Planning Group Plan It Out
Jean’s article about the Seven Lively Arts
Ways You Can Support the Podcast
Patreon — Make a donation. Per episode, per month, one-time donation — it’s up to you and much appreciated on my end.
Purchasing the resources on my site — Get The Waldorf Home ebook, one of my curriculum guides or my guide to record-keeping and feedback.
One of my most popular guides right now is my 30 Days Till Summer Report-Writing Guide. This guide will walk you through, day by day, and get you in the frame of mind to get your reports done by July 1. I’m sure you’ll find it helpful in your efforts to get your reports done, and not wallow away working on them all summer long.
Order my 30 Days Till Summer Report-Writing Guide.
Amazon — Many of the links on this site are Amazon affiliate links. This means that a small percentage of anything you purchase goes towards supporting the work that is happening here at A Waldorf Journey (at no additional cost to you). It’s an easy way to support the podcast and blog with purchases that you were going to make anyway!
Jean is my biggest inspiration for our homeschool. When doubts and anxieties flare, I re-read a few of her articles or listen again to her webinars to get realigned with my purpose. Loved hearing your interview with her!
Isn’t she great?! So down to earth — makes it all sound so manageable!