Update: I’m afraid I was notified that I was violating copyright by selling my play. I’m happy to share it for free — I’m pretty sure that wouldn’t be breaking any laws. Just enter your email below if you’re interested. ~Meredith
I am so pleased to share , based on the Astrid Lindgren story Ronia, The Robber’s Daughter.
This story meets the developmental stage of the 9-10-year-old so well and it was the perfect production for my class.
The script includes suggestions for music, movement and casting and it can be easily adapted to larger or smaller class sizes. If you’ve read Ronia, The Robber’s Daughter as a class reader, performing it as a play can be a fantastic way to make their language arts work more fun and dynamic.
I have been receiving many requests for more content, particularly for fourth grade, and I’m happy to release this script as the first of my Waldorf fourth grade curriculum offerings.
If you do purchase and produce this play, please share your experience in the comments or via email. I’d love to hear how your production went and to share it with other teachers. As you know, the production of the annual class play is one of the Waldorf teacher’s biggest challenges, so the more resources and ideas we can share on the topic, the better!
I hope you, your students and their parents all enjoy this fun play.
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